Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Portraits with pencil

We've learned a technique to draw occasional grid marks to reference certain parts of the face - the bottom of the eye for instance, and then reference the same line on our drawing - which is larger than the photo we are drawing.  This is my completed drawing - not the best (especially after taking a photo of it ... looks much better in person!) but the good news is I finished it.

Seems that I have a fear of failure.  In class we draw part of the portrait and then when I get home I don't want to touch the drawing for fear that I'll ruin it.  Have to let that go, and just have fun.

The shading is the most amazing part - using stumps (I now know what they're for), and cheesecloth.  The drawing comes to life almost before your eyes.

The next medium we are working with it charcoal.  We're going to draw this cute little dog.

Here is my attempt - part way through (after my last class.  We did all this in 3 hours).

Now to finish it.  Overcome the fear!! 

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