Wednesday, November 16, 2011

The dog is done

The more I practise, the more comfortable I am with the medium.  I worked on the charcoal of the dog and have finished it!  Yay.   I'm pleased with how it turned out... I think it looks like a dog.  Kind of a cutie.

Not being content to stick with one medium, our instructor introduced us to India Ink.  This drawing of an elk is done with Ink and Charcoal.  The ink is applied with - wait for it - a Q-tip.  Cool, huh?  The darkest parts of the elk are done with ink, then the charcoal is used for shading.  I found the background the most challenging ... when is it important to have lots of detail, and when should the subject just stand alone?  Anyway, I think it resembles the animal which I intended it to be, and for me, that's pretty good.

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