Thursday, June 16, 2011

Unexpected Inspiration

I’m grateful for creative people – especially when the creative touches appear in unexpected places.  

Like this … you order a cup of coffee and decide to treat yourself by ordering a latte or cappuccino. Your day is plodding along like any other day, and then your coffee arrives.

The proprietor could have simply made a good cup of coffee, and we would have all been pleased with that.  But by going the extra step and expressing his creativity on a hot and foamy canvas, our coffee experience suddenly became memorable and inspiring.

Or, you’re at a friend’s baby shower and you head to the table for a snack.  Waiting for you, right there in the middle of the table, is this …

Who knew that your niece was a cupcake goddess?  Beautiful, aesthetic, creative. 

Sure it took extra effort, and was not an easy accomplishment what with two toddlers demanding attention.  But those lovely little cupcakes made us smile, and gave us something to talk about.  Suddenly, instead of strangers with very little in common, we were all old friends at an art gallery opening,

Inspiration is all around us.  Be creative in little ways. 

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