Monday, September 19, 2011

Back to school

Summer has come and gone, and the first day of my “drawing for beginners” class is looming. I've signed up for a class through the City Arts Centre and had to settle for the beginner class when what I really wanted was “drawing for the absolutely terrified”.

My class supply list arrived by email today: lots of pencils and charcoal, sheets of different types of paper (Tiziano or Artagain?  Sounds more like the name for Aztec gods or a traditional Italian appetizer than paper stock) and for some reason a large number of cleaning supplies are required including rags, paper towels, soap and a scrub brush.  “Be prepared to get dirty”, it says.  I’m not.

Am I looking forward to the class?  Sort of.  Looking forward to it in the way that you look forward to your dentist appointment being over.  Perhaps that’s a bit extreme, but I’m just hoping to be able to draw a slightly better stick man, or a house that looks somewhat more advanced than a 5 year old which is the age at which I stalled in my artistic development.  I don’t necessarily feel the need to create masterpieces … just some basic rules on perspective would be fine, thank you.  Certainly not prepared for owning a set of Conte sticks, some vine charcoal and a few blending stumps.  Is there an aftermarket for slightly used blending stumps when this is all over?  Cheese cloth I have – I wonder if it matters that it’s been used and machine washed?  The selection of erasers will no doubt become my favourite tools.  And the last item on the list I actually own and can use quite well.  A ruler.  That gives me hope.


  1. How wonderful.
    I hope you can enjoy the journey and draw without regret or hesitation.
    Just draw what your heart tells you and enjoy the freedom...sans ruler

  2. You go, girl! Get in there and create stuff that you have to erase. You won't be able to use all those new erasers if you don't make some marks first. And, remember, there is no such thing as perfection. It's just been a nasty myth.

    Lastly, have fun!
