Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Muddy Waters

What does it mean to be creative?  That’s a big question.  I think it’s a question that I need to consider, however, since it sort of forms the basis of my quest.  Good to know what it is you’re looking for.

As I determined the name of my blog, I did some googling and thesaurus-searching for “creative”, which actually just muddied the waters a bit.  Here’s one example of what I found:

“Everyone likes to think that he or she is creative, which is used to describe the active, exploratory minds possessed by artists, writers, and inventors (a creative approach to problem-solving). Today, however, creative has become an advertising buzzword (creative cooking, creative hair-styling) that simply means new or different.  Original is more specific and limited in scope. … Imaginative implies having an active and creative imagination, which often means that the person visualizes things quite differently … The practical side of imaginative is inventive; the inventive person figures out how to make things work …  where an inventive mind tends to come up with solutions to problems it has posed for itself, a resourceful mind deals successfully with externally imposed problems … Someone who is ingenious is both inventive and resourceful, with a dose of cleverness thrown in”.
                 - Mac OS X Dictionary App

Nice …

OK, so it’s important to chose the right word …  original, imaginative, inventive, resourceful, ingenious.  All that aside, I’m sticking with creative – an active, exploratory mind.  At the very core of our being, I think that’s what we have.  It’s just a matter of tapping into it – getting it to flow.  

The waters of creativity are definitely muddy – can’t really see where I’m going, or what’s around to help. It’s a bit of a messy journey but, at the same time, it’s kind of fun to get dirty.

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(Why the "Creative Bug”? Well, it feels like I’ve got a bit of a bug – an itch – to explore my creativity. Also, I happen to be a big fan of bugs. Black beetles, especially. Go figure.)

Picture of actual Black Beetle

pictionary version of black beetle

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