Wednesday, April 27, 2011

What's the Idea?

My new year’s resolution for 2011 is to explore, and hopefully discover, my creative skills.  I must have something that I’m good at.  My parents were very skilled artists.  My sister is also an accomplished artist, and has no problems embracing her creativity.
For me, it’s a different story.

Not that I’m not creative.  (In fact, just look at that sentence to see some solid creative writing!)  I’m in the television production business, so I am good, and creative, at many things.  I can write a script, create concepts, edit videos, compose scenes and direct talent. 

But the type of creativity that I want to explore is more of the hands-on … creating something I can hang on the wall (or fridge), or around my neck, or place on the mantle and dust it occasionally.  I’m interested in making concrete objects of art.

For the record, I can draw stickmen very well, and quickly.  I’m good at Pictionary.  I’m just not good (yet?) at anything three dimensional.

So, my quest begins.  To start off the year, I registered for a silversmithing class.  I like jewelry, particularly silver jewelry.  I like shopping for it, wearing it, and even polishing it.  But can I make it?

Pictionary sketch for "dream"